Tuesday, July 28, 2009

never stop

well july gona end and august coming.
now i hav 3 matters that confusing me.

1. school fees
i think it may solve by tomolo evening.
i predict it will be come true.
and i can start my new school lifestyle
nothing different and not much excited
may be i use to it.. who knows.

2.career goal
its a big challenge for me.
Fyp bout $20,000 by 28/8/09
and get one memorable gold coin.
its sad to say,
i found something disapoint me
throught the job i know people deeper
well just use to it.

3. unnamed
it may be a long term war for me.
i am trying my best.
i cant predict the result,
but i can choose what to do.
con gracia~


i saw u while closing my eyes
breezed along with glamourous skirt and smile

can dreams come true?
tell me.

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